We launched a brand campaign for United Airlines in the middle of the pandemic. A hard job, at one of the hardest times for airlines in history.

But worth it. Because we re-introduced the world to an airline they thought they knew, and in the process, showed people that an airline can be more than just an airline but a force for good in the world. Flying refugees out of Afghanistan, being the first to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, turning trash into sustainable jet fuel and creating a school to train pilots and close the diversity gap in the flight deck.

We told this story, using real footage from passengers, employees and the world. And created a brand voice and identity based on honesty, enthusiasm, and real storytelling that can serve the brand for years to come.

And it worked. Lifting likability scores, brand preference and even selling more airline tickets.

So stay tuned, because this story is just getting good.

1x Gold Rebrand Campaign
1x Silver Employee Engagement


Our films told the true stories of United through a scrapbook-style art direction and storytelling narration.



We turned every billboard, every in-airport poster and every tunnel into another page of our storybook, highlighting the good United was getting up to but also the employees, the heroes of our story.



We played with the skip ad button to highlight agent on demand - a feature that lets you skip the long customer service line just like a skip ad button.



For launch, we took to social with bespoke films, employee stickers and even a storytelling twitter thread.


Creative Directors: Tim Howman, Josh Hacohen, Maddie McDowell

Art Directors: (Senior) Kailey Riggen, Tessa Memmott

Writers: (Senior) Lulu Wimberly, Emily Rhodes

ECD: Lauren Smith

CCO: Matt Murphy